Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vowels and Bowels

I hate it when
you know you're
going to have to
poop soon, but not yet,
and you're on your way
to work
(or a court date
or a TV interview).
You know it's coming
soon, but you don't know
how soon.
You could be
in the middle of a
sentence in meeting
when, suddenly,
your stomach begins
to churn and
your bowels begin
to burn.

You can't always
escape to a restroom
the moment you need one.
You try to smile and
continue your interview
(or conference call
or cross examination)
with some modicum
of decorum, but
all you can think of is
All you want to do
is find a nice,
secluded stall
and let it fly.
Instead, you're stuck
in a light brown room
expected to string turds
(I mean words)
together intelligently
with a pile
(I mean smile).

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Untimely Departure (Cat Got Your Dung)

Mother Nature calls
at the most
inopportune times.
I get up early
so that I can
get to work early.
But Mother Nature
interrupts my plan
with an exit strategy
of her own.
Once I honor her urging
and take a seat,
just a few moments
into our session,
she decides to be
difficult and stubborn.
My extra minutes
waste away
and my momentum slows
to a screeching

I will not be
early today
thanks to the delay
down under.
I am stalled
and stuck
and stationed
on the stool
for as long as it takes
for Mother Nature
to drop her kids off
at the pool.
And eventually,
once I finally
arrive at work,
I search for a
truthful, yet tactful
explanation for my
late state of affairs.
I could say,
"Traffic was stuck;
nothing was moving."
But, I settle on
"an urgent call
from my mother"
and leave it at that.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just One of Those Things

It's strange --
funny, really --
that one
woman can
walk into
the restroom,
lock her
stall door,
create a
mammoth sound
from one
tiny hole,
and walk
out of
the bathroom
in silence.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Holy Sit

When I take my seat
in the bathroom,
I am participating
in one of the most basic,
yet marvelous
human functionalities.
We have been created
with a remarkable
self-cleaning service.
(Who but a master
designer would have
conceived of this?)
So, when I sit
on the john and
take a dump,
something holy
is happening.
I am at once
connected to the
brother and sister hoods
of the earth
and to God.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fresh and in the Can

Sometimes I just know
a poem's about to drop.
It's a feeling not unlike
the feeling I get
when my bowls are about
to move -- a bottoming out
type of sensation
that tells me
I better find
a piece of paper
(or a toilet) fast
because something's
about to plop out.
Sometimes I get that
nervous panicky feeling
when it's "time"
and I can't seem
to find any paper
(or a toilet).
My breathing gets shallow,
my armpits begin to sweat
and my mouth gets dry.

Ever notice that a
delayed delivery
results in nothing but
a constipated effort later?
The more it's postponed,
the more plugged up it gets.
It's better to let nature
take its course
while the urge is fresh.
Things move a lot
more freely that way.
Fortunately, more
times than not,
I find what I need
just in time
to avoid a blockage.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tough Stuff

I know life is hard
and that things can be
particularly rough
in the bathroom.
But do you really need
to vocally testify
to your difficulty
in the office restroom?
There is such a thing
as quiet desperation.
I wish for you a
silent elimination,
and for myself,
from your proclamation.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011